
Consuming SharePoint List (SPList) Data in Windows 8 HTML/JS app

Consuming SharePoint Data in Windows 8 HTML/JS app using SP Client Object Model SharePoint offers different models for developing business solutions i.e. Server Object Model Client Object Model .Net JS Asmx services REST

onEnter Event binder for knockoutJs

It is generally required to trigger an event when user press enter in the text box. Well this is very much simpler as, bind keydown event of jquery and check for keycode 13 that is if enter is pressed. But this is not valid in big application as it is generally required to build some framework or generic method / custom event to track the same along with other functionality. so here we are building a binding handler for the same to segregate common events as

Conditional event binding in KnockoutJs

Conditional event binding in KnockoutJs. Bind events : onclick,onblur,mouseout,hover based on condition (if)in knockoutJs.

Display User Image With User Name on ListViews webpart in CreatedBy And ModifiedBy field.

We all know SharePoint supports to store images along with user in the userprofile database. End user can user MySite to modify the content of their profile through Out Of Box screens that is very handy. but the question is  How to use the image / data on the screens where SharePoint left for customization?  Like we have a general requirement to show user's image along with User Name on the ListView webpart. or on the Document Library. or on the Listing page where use form field to bind data so users can view items.

Working with DropDownList with MVC and KnockoutJs to limit the data posted on the server efficient way

Working with Knockoutjs and MVC makes our life easy, but still there are some points that require some special attention. And one of these points is How much data is posted back to the server when we make a async call? Well it is obviously not required for very small application that target very limited users that are using very high connectivity with the server. but most of the application are not like that. In general we have to take care of such things to make our application more reliable and scalable. Quick reference to the issue i have observed in many applications.

Could not load file or assembly BCMLogon For SSRS

While configuring Reporting service with SharePoint i had found that Reporting Services is not available at  Central Administration > General Application Settings 

Custom LogIn Page For SharePoint2010

For Form Based Authentication / Sql Server First enable  Enable Forms Based Authentication (FBA)  for  Claims Based Authentication  web application from Central Admin.