
Showing posts with the label JavaScript

Getting started with MongoDB

Overview MongoDb is a cross platform document oriented database system.It is classified as NoSql database. It implements the traditional table based database in JSON like structure with dynamic schema named as BSON. That makes the integration of data in certain type of applications easier and faster. MongoDb is most popular NoSql Database that is opted by huge and well know organisations as back-end for their applications.

Installing Apache along with IIS server on same machine and solution to OS 10013

To install Apache server you need to download the latest vesrion of apache server from  here . While installing Apache on the machine you may face the following issues i.e.  The Apache service named reported the following error: >>> (OS 10013) An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. :make_sock: could not bind to address

Golden Frame animation on HTML5 Canvas with bandwidth optimization

The Problem: The title of this post looks weird as the first thought comes to our mind is how come the network bandwidth links to HTML5 canvas animation? Well, as such their is no direct relationship between them but if you limit the size of your application (mobile game) then such relationships comes in to your mind. In my last project I have to struggle out to achieve an animation like glowing frame in best possible and optimized way.

Select a Pattern or Framework that suites your application


Things that must be considered before writing JavaScript based application Or Using JavaScript in applications

Things like classes, methods, access modifier, Public / Private properties that must be considered before writing JavaScript based application to make it Optimised, Browser friendly, maintainable, reusable....

SharePoint2013 - CRUDQ operations using JavaScript Client Object Model

This article is about How to use SharePoint 2013 Client Object Model in Efficiently in JavaScript perform CRUD and Query operations. One thing that must be noted is SharePoint 2013 supports HTML5 that means we have much more capabilities in this version for client side processing.

SharePoint2013 JSOM System.ServiceModel. ServiceActivationException

While Developing a WebPart for SharePoint2013 that will access data from a list using JavaScript Client Object Model (COM or JSCOM/ JCOM) we are getting an Error on Development Machine.

Fancy Image Library For SharePoint2010

A New Experience to view images in SharePoint2010 Image Library.  Deploy it yourself, without developer. This is a purely SharePoint2010 Client Object Model based customisation of Out Of Box image Library that displays larger versions of thumbnail images fetched dynamically to provide a new User Experience. Caption can be added to the enlarged image through Add/Edit form, and every aspect of the Image Gallery exists as plain HTML on the page. The idea is to use JSOM, Css, Jquery and FancyBox jquery extension to view images with advanced UI. 

Hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already added an item.

Hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already aaded an item Descibes a javascript method to hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already aaded an item. i.e. Allowing users to add only one item to the list  from Out Of Box (OOB) view or webpart.

Remote debugging on Android with Chrome developer tools

One of the major and time consuming issue while developing and testing an application is its support on hand held devices. The major stake holders for such devices are iOS safari for Apple devices, stock browser and Chrome for Android devices. For developing cross platform applications these devices and browers plays a key important role. And we invest most of our time in testing, verification and specially resolving issues that occurs only in special cases like some element gets not aligned or get extra space when we run application on one of these device. Or in some cases client sided scripting code stops working.

Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application Part 5

Inhertance: Having "IS-A" relationship between different objetcs is the basic definition of inheritance.It allows us to define a class in terms of another class, which makes it easier to create and maintain an application. This also provides an opportunity to reuse the code functionality and fast implementation time. However class k/w and inheritance is not directly supported in JavaScript as it is not proper OOP language. But there are ways to implement inheritance generally referd as prototypal inheritance.

Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application Part 4

In the previous article we have seen that  Modular  approach is best suite for a big application. Designing of modules are crucial part for large scale application but one thing that is pending is How different modules can inteact with each other. The important point we suggest is to make the modules less dependent, loosly coupled, etc etc. but How?

Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application Part 3

The basic definition of a Module is  Modules are an integral piece of any robust application's architecture and are typically single-purpose parts of a larger system that are interchangeable.

Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application Part 2

Here I am continuing the discussion that we made in the previour article  Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application  . Things you need to forget……  actually need to relearn Forget the way you write JavaScript earlier, no more thousands of lines of code in single file. Forget the way you declare variables in globally, try to learn the way you declare in C# or JAVA or any server-side OOP platform Forget the way you use jQuery.

Designing of Large Scale JavaScript Application Part 1

Introduction I'm currently a developing a UI centric application, for that I am working on the front-end architecture that supports the growing functionalities and pretty maintainable for the its next generations. Right now I have a basic idea of the platform and only an idea of the applications which is both complex and often require an architecture that is scalable and highly-reusable. The complex logic is implemented in JavaScript that communicates with server asynchronously.

onEnter Event binder for knockoutJs

It is generally required to trigger an event when user press enter in the text box. Well this is very much simpler as, bind keydown event of jquery and check for keycode 13 that is if enter is pressed. But this is not valid in big application as it is generally required to build some framework or generic method / custom event to track the same along with other functionality. so here we are building a binding handler for the same to segregate common events as

Conditional event binding in KnockoutJs

Conditional event binding in KnockoutJs. Bind events : onclick,onblur,mouseout,hover based on condition (if)in knockoutJs.

Display User Image With User Name on ListViews webpart in CreatedBy And ModifiedBy field.

We all know SharePoint supports to store images along with user in the userprofile database. End user can user MySite to modify the content of their profile through Out Of Box screens that is very handy. but the question is  How to use the image / data on the screens where SharePoint left for customization?  Like we have a general requirement to show user's image along with User Name on the ListView webpart. or on the Document Library. or on the Listing page where use form field to bind data so users can view items.

Working with DropDownList with MVC and KnockoutJs to limit the data posted on the server efficient way

Working with Knockoutjs and MVC makes our life easy, but still there are some points that require some special attention. And one of these points is How much data is posted back to the server when we make a async call? Well it is obviously not required for very small application that target very limited users that are using very high connectivity with the server. but most of the application are not like that. In general we have to take care of such things to make our application more reliable and scalable. Quick reference to the issue i have observed in many applications.

Customising SharePoint2010 Modal Dialogs

First of all we discuss how the dialog framework works. Well  SharePoint  uses Modal Dialogs for both  Taking input from the user.(as New Item / Edit Itms forms) Notifing end User that some processing is going on. so please wait. For ease to work on these dialogs we are going to use OOB methods and feature present in  SP.UI.ModalDialog Class.