
Windows Communication Foundation Construct


WCF Interoperability with Applications Built on Other Technologies And Explicit Support For SOA

Interoperability with Applications Built on Other Technologies WCF is designed to interoperate well with the non-WCF world i.e. with WCF supports both cross platform communication and with the Microsoft technologies that preceded WCF.

Windows Communication Foundation and its Advantages

So why do we need WCF? After all we have so many options available as described above. WCF is a framework for service-oriented communication designed for diverse but realistic scenario where different applications can interact and communicate with each other. WCF is becoming the default technology for Windows applications that expose and access services.

Communication Technologies For .Net Applications

   ASMX , also called ASP.NET Web Services, would be an option for cross platform communication like with the Java EE-based application others across the Internet. Given that Web services are widely supported today, this would likely be the most direct way to achieve cross-vendor interoperability.

Middleware communication support of .NET

Communication between different applications and processes is a necessity for sharing resources, Business logics and data. Networking solutions enabled PCs to be able to communicate with each other and share resources such as printers and disks, applications needed to be able to send and receive data and coordinate their actions with other applications running at the same time on other computers. Many common inter-process communications mechanisms were available, such as named pipes and sockets. These mechanisms were very low-level and using them required a good understanding of how networks work. But for rapid development we have to rely on the available frameworks that have stable, scalable and secured design and already tested under various scenarios.

Consuming SharePoint List (SPList) Data in Windows 8 HTML/JS app

Consuming SharePoint Data in Windows 8 HTML/JS app using SP Client Object Model SharePoint offers different models for developing business solutions i.e. Server Object Model Client Object Model .Net JS Asmx services REST

onEnter Event binder for knockoutJs

It is generally required to trigger an event when user press enter in the text box. Well this is very much simpler as, bind keydown event of jquery and check for keycode 13 that is if enter is pressed. But this is not valid in big application as it is generally required to build some framework or generic method / custom event to track the same along with other functionality. so here we are building a binding handler for the same to segregate common events as