
Showing posts from February, 2014

Fancy Image Library For SharePoint2010

A New Experience to view images in SharePoint2010 Image Library.  Deploy it yourself, without developer. This is a purely SharePoint2010 Client Object Model based customisation of Out Of Box image Library that displays larger versions of thumbnail images fetched dynamically to provide a new User Experience. Caption can be added to the enlarged image through Add/Edit form, and every aspect of the Image Gallery exists as plain HTML on the page. The idea is to use JSOM, Css, Jquery and FancyBox jquery extension to view images with advanced UI. 

Hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already added an item.

Hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already aaded an item Descibes a javascript method to hide "Add New Item" link from sharepoint list view if user has already aaded an item. i.e. Allowing users to add only one item to the list  from Out Of Box (OOB) view or webpart.