
Unable to download data from - ... bad ecpoint

Hello, If you reached this page, means you've hit this SSL error when trying to pull updates from RubyGems: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed This error is produced by changes in infrastructure, please keep reading to better understand it. If you're one of those  too long, didn't read  just skip to the guide on how to workaround it. The solution: Execute the following command in the bash or CMD with administrator privileges. CMD (as administrator): gem sources - a http :// rubygems . org Bash: sudo gem sources - a http :// rubygems . org

Setting Up MongoDB environment and performing CRUDQ operations

As I am using Windows 7 machine so in this post I am describing how to setup mongoDb on win 7 machine. To verify the version of you windows open the command prompt and use following command C : \>wmic os get osarchitecture

Getting started with MongoDB

Overview MongoDb is a cross platform document oriented database system.It is classified as NoSql database. It implements the traditional table based database in JSON like structure with dynamic schema named as BSON. That makes the integration of data in certain type of applications easier and faster. MongoDb is most popular NoSql Database that is opted by huge and well know organisations as back-end for their applications.

Installing Apache along with IIS server on same machine and solution to OS 10013

To install Apache server you need to download the latest vesrion of apache server from  here . While installing Apache on the machine you may face the following issues i.e.  The Apache service named reported the following error: >>> (OS 10013) An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. :make_sock: could not bind to address

Golden Frame animation on HTML5 Canvas with bandwidth optimization

The Problem: The title of this post looks weird as the first thought comes to our mind is how come the network bandwidth links to HTML5 canvas animation? Well, as such their is no direct relationship between them but if you limit the size of your application (mobile game) then such relationships comes in to your mind. In my last project I have to struggle out to achieve an animation like glowing frame in best possible and optimized way.

Select a Pattern or Framework that suites your application


Things that must be considered before writing JavaScript based application Or Using JavaScript in applications

Things like classes, methods, access modifier, Public / Private properties that must be considered before writing JavaScript based application to make it Optimised, Browser friendly, maintainable, reusable....